Ally Malloy

Couples Therapist, Maternal Mental Health Specialist

Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT)

$155.00 per 50 min. session

(801) 920-7112  Email

“This process of the good life is not for the fainthearted. It involves the stretching and growing of becoming more and more of one’s potentialities. It involves the courage to be.”

– Carl Rogers

Ally is a systemic Marriage and Family Therapist dedicated to helping individuals and relationships thrive. Her approach is tailored to your unique journey, and she specializes in working with individuals and couples facing challenges such as: 

  • Pregnancy and postpartum mental health (aka, maternal mental health): including navigating identity changes and adjusting to a newborn, perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMAD).
  • Relationship transitions or conflict: including breakups, betrayal, divorce, dating after a breakup or divorce, moving in together, the transition to parenthood, and those considering marriage.
  • Life adjustments: such as becoming a parent, balancing new roles, or starting/navigating college or a professional career.
  • Mental health challenges: including depression, anxiety, and intrusive thoughts.

Ally finds purpose in supporting young professionals, college-aged people, and anyone navigating significant life transitions. She works collaboratively to help you rediscover hope, confidence, and connection—both with yourself and in your relationships. She has a particular soft spot for mothers and couples navigating the (sometimes challenging) journey from pregnancy to adjusting to parenthood, and all that can come with maternal mental health challenges.

Ally offers a warm, non-judgmental, and custom approach to therapy. She creates a space where you feel heard, seen, and accepted, and works with all genders, religions, races, ethnicities, and relationship contexts. Her goal is to help you move beyond simply existing or tolerating relationships and instead build a life you truly love.

Whether you’re adjusting to parenthood, healing from a breakup, or rediscovering your identity, Ally is here to walk alongside you. Together, you can create impactful changes and navigate a path to greater fulfillment. She cannot wait to meet you!

Make an appointment now, Ally would love to hear from you.

(801) 920-7112

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