Kayla Adams

​​Kayla’s work as a psychotherapist is centered on assisting individuals, couples and those in extra-dyadic (non-monogamous) relationships. She is ready to help you address problems that are adversely impacting your sexuality. Including gender expression, sexual & relationship experiences. Kayla understands that there are often many factors that impact how we show up in our relationships and as sexual humans. She approaches treatment in systemic ways. She looks at the whole person through an intersectional lens of treatment.

Kayla’s therapeutic approach is healing-centered & trauma-responsive. She is also kink-aware and pleasuring affirming. Her specialties include, but are not limited to, relationship & intimacy (monogamous and non-monogamous), anxiety, and. depression. Kayla has expertise in sexual trauma, sexual healing, and sexual liberation. She is versed in sexuality and gender development. Kayla is experienced in helping navigate sexual disorders (e.g. erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, vaginismus, low arousal/desire & orgasmic disorder).

Her healing approach and frameworks includes Intersectional-CBT & Somatic Sex Therapy. She is grounded in the integrated effectiveness of evidence-based interventions. This includes, Mindfulness, Intersectional Narrative Therapy, CBT, Emotionally focused therapy and Somatic Sexology approaches.  Kayla works to help clients unlearn sexual shame. She is ready to help you live authentically within your sexual and relational experiences.


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