Lisa Chatelain

Anxiety & Depression  |  Faith Transition Therapist, LCSW + SUDC

$155.00 per 50 min. session

(801) 920-7112 Email

Our wounds are often the openings into the best and most beautiful parts of us.”


– David Richo Ph.D., MFT

Lisa helps individuals and couples transform hardships into growth. 

Lisa believes that every individual and every couple who comes to therapy has their own internal strengths and resources. However, when we face life changing situations or experience crisis or trauma, our life can feel out of control. It can be difficult to access those resources, promote true healing, redefine our life or reevaluate our identity.

We can feel lost, especially if we are also dealing with relationship conflict or abandonment from family or our community. 

postpartum mental health expert

postpartum mental health expert

Lisa uses a psychodynamic approach that helps people gain greater insight into how they feel and think, and discover those inner resources that may be hidden or buried. Lisa integrates aspects of this work with other modalities in order to create a customized path to healing that is designed specifically for you or your relationship. 

Committed to helping you discover your personal and relational worth, Lisa is there for you. Whatever current circumstances you may be facing, regardless of your past, or your gender or sexual identity, she is ready to help without judgement. Lisa finds great meaning from working with people from all walks of life, but especially those who are struggling with anxiety, depression, trauma, substance use, identity re-definition, and faith transition or crisis. Lisa also enjoys helping couples learn how to communicate more effectively, resolve conflict, heal from betrayal and develop the connection and skills necessary for relationship satisfaction and joy.

In her spare time, Lisa enjoys spending time with family and friends, enjoying nature, meditating, practicing yoga, traveling and relaxing with a good book.

Make an appointment now, Lisa would love to hear from you.

(801) 920-7112

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