Reads of the Week (9.27.19)

Reads of the Week

September 27, 2019

1. Liz Plank – Ask Me Anything (Reddit)

Reddit AMA of “For the Love of Men” author Liza Plank, a journalist and executive producer who’s book is an insightful take on masculinity.

2. Jessica Molina’s Daily Habits For Growing A Creative Side‑Hustle Through Self-Care

Dribble article that takes a look into Dallas-based designer Jessica Molina’s life and how self-care is her goto solution for maintaining a successful side-business.

4. The Five Stages of Love Many Couples Go Through, According to Experts

From the article: “—moving from one stage of love to the other can come with challenges. But couples that last work through it together. So here are the stages of love that every lasting couple goes through, according to experts.”

5. It’s Not Your Fault You’re A Narcissist

Identifying narcissism in those around you seems to be more common, however, identifying yourself as one can be quite the challenge.

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